
Recipes and nutritional information are on the back of the product. Paldo Bibimyeon spicy has a calorie of 530 kcal, and the nutritional content is 9g (16%) of protein, 0g (0%) of trans fat, 81g (25%) of carbohydrate, 19g (35%) of fat, 0mg (0%) of cholesterol, and 13g of sugar (13%), saturated fat 9g (60%), sodium 1,270mg (64%).

Paldo Bibimyeon Spicy is composed of noodles and bibim sauce. The composition is the same as before, but the bibim sauce is more spicy than before.
Paldo Bibimyeon Spicy Recipe


Rinse well boiled noodles in cold water and add bibim sauce. It is better to eat with cucumber, cabbage, and egg depending on your preference. I put only more cucumbers.

After all, the Bibimyeon of Paldo was a famous in bibim ramen. Definitely spicy than before. It’s less spicy than fire chicken noodles, but it’s spicy according to my standards. It seems to be a good choice for those who think the original bibimbyeon is not too spicy. When I ate it with cucumber, it was good to reduce the spiciness.