Black tiger prawns Dumplings Recipe

Black tiger prawns Dumplings Recipe

Today, I’m going to make prawn dumplings with a whole prawn. In particular, using black tiger prawn will be more delicious, and minced pork and chives will make the dumplings taste better. So, shall we make it together?

PRAWNS DUMPLINGS ​ ingredients

12 black tiger prawns, 400g minced pork, 270g dumpling skin, 50g chives, 4 shiitake mushrooms, 1 tablespoon thick soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon chicken powder, 1 tablespoon potato starch, 1 egg, water, cooking oil



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Place 50g chives and 4 shiitake mushrooms (large size) in a chopper and chop.


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Add minced chives, shiitake mushrooms, 400g of minced pork, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of chicken powder, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of starch powder, and 1 egg to a bowl and mix by hand to make dumpling filling.


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Put about 1 tablespoon in the center of the dumpling skin and spread it out. Put shrimp on top of it, apply water to the edges of the dumpling skin, and fold it to make dumplings. and set aside.


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Set the heat to medium, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and coat the bottom of the dumplings with the cooking oil. Add just enough water to rise slightly above the dumplings.


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Cover the lid and fry. This way, the bottom of the dumplings will be crispy and the top will be steamed.


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When well cooked, open the lid. Fry until there is no water on the bottom to make delicious prawn dumplings.


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Really delicious prawn dumplings are ready. The texture of a whole prawn is really amazing. The dumpling fillings are also very tasty. The top of the dumpling skin is moist and the bottom is crispy. It’s really good to be able to make prwawn dumplings without difficulty at home. If you have leftover dumpling skins and dumpling fillings, it would be nice to make meat dumplings. Thank you for reading to the end today. See you next time with a better recipe.

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